Friday, December 08, 2006

Introducing Miranda

So with some reluctance on my part, it looks like we added a member to the family this week. Amanda has convinced me that, yes, we do want another cat in the mix, and I’ve been getting to know her over the past two days. She has an even smaller frame than Pinky, if that is possible, and she has been fitting in nicely. Before I left for work today, I swear that I witnessed them Eskimo kissing ( so I am optimistic that they will be long term friends. She has a lot of cute qualities – likes to sleep in odd positions – paws under the doorframe when you close the bathroom door – overly optimistic about what she can jump onto – but my favorite is how she attacks the cat wand. Right now I have some feathers at the end of the string, and she goes after it like her life depends on it. When the feathers pass between her paws, she looks like Sugar Ray Leonard working a speed bag. After doing this for a few minutes, I know that I need to reward her by allowing for her to “make the kill”, and what ensues is utter hilarity. She clamps down on the toy and just starts moaning continuously and she slowly transports it to the other side of the house. Not wanting to leave her alone with something that might necessitate surgery (, I work to take it away, but only after a game of tug of war. Eyes full of determination, she will plant all four paws into the ground and brace her body in an effort to keep the prize. I hope she's getting some rest while I'm away at work, because I'm sure the feathers will escape my desk drawer later tonight.


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your story made me laugh, what a sweet little cat. She's quite a lucky adoptee...a nice home with you.

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a fierce killer on your hands!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Heather Guerrero said...

Doc - Three of your patients have their own blog.


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