2008 Resolutions... (failing miserably)
As part of my new years resolutions, I thought maybe I should try to post a little bit each day for 2008 here. Let's see - it's January 3rd already?!? I don't do well with those darn resolutions: I did finally manage to quit biting my fingernails back in 2000 (gross, sad and true) and started reading the paper while eating breakfast every day since 2001 (currently I like a little Brown Cow yogurt, a biscuit that starts off frozen but turns delicious in 18 minutes, and a banana...and a latte). But this blog goal isn't looking promising. I saw an article once where some guy talked about he would post a blog daily and it did wonderful things for his life. Hmmm.
And it's been a few months with the blog, I know. Things have been taking up my time. Most importanly, there's the wedding planning, and we finally made our wedding website go live. It can be found at http://www.mattandamanda.us if you have a hankering to check it out.
OHHH! So here's Huckabee thanking Iowa on my television, and who is standing resolutely behind him but but the one and only Chuck Norris. How random is that? Let's hope that http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com/ gets updated soon.