Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Why Whole Latte Love rules...

I don't know why, but when my espresso machine acts up, I get really upset - not mad, but upset at the thought of a day where I am unable to brew my own coffee. This past weekend, I was doing some routine cleaning on my machine, and as it turns out, I screwed something up. I bought my machine from a site called Whole Latte Love, and ever since, I have found them to be the most helpful group of people around. Just as before, I called them up, talked to their technical support team, and recieved instructions via email on how to fix my specific problem. I am so thrilled at how easy they make things for me.

Just had to share that. If you are looking for a high end coffee machine, consider visiting I have a Gaggia Synchrony Compact and have found it to be an excellent machine. My creations beat Starbucks any day of the week.


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